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& get Bitcoin rewards

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The Bitcoin Decentralized Engagement Platform
At EarnB, everyone who has passion and skills can contribute doing tasks for their favorite Bitcoin projects, and get rewarded in Satoshis!

How to get rewards?

on EarnB
available Tasks
about your favorite Bitcoin projects
with your skills and talents
Bitcoin rewards

What are

Satoshis (sats) are fractions of a Bitcoin (BTC). 100 million satoshis make 1 whole Bitcoin. In the example below, you can see that owning 2.1 million sats is the same as 0.021 BTC

satoshis example

What are
EarnB Tasks?

Tasks are activities created by the multiple Bitcoin projects inside the EarnB platform, which you can complete to contribute to a project.
Every Task submission will be evaluated to check its quality by a group of expert validators from the project or the EarnB team
Look forward to create video tutorials, video reviews, video explanations, infographics, memes, project review articles, comparison articles, feature test reviews, and more!

Why contributors
love EarnB?


One day, one way or another most countries will have to deal with the implementation of Bitcoin. Contributing here will allow you to be one step ahead of the world.

Get Sound

Many Tasks reward you directly based on the quality of your contributions, so that you can accumulate Bitcoin directly without the need of investing.

Upskill your

You will learn new talents as well as sharpen your creativity & logic, as most Tasks involve the use of multiple skills to complete.

Expand your

Special Tasks require you to collaborate with other contributors to build bigger things together, expanding your network of Bitcoiners.

Get hired by
Bitcoin projects

Projects are continuously looking for talented Bitcoin enthusiasts. By reaching the higher positions on the leaderboard you will catch the project's team attention.

Never compete
against Bots / Spammers

EarnB is a bot-free platform, therefore, you will never compete against bots who farm & steal rewards unfairly, while you do honest work. EarnB is all about rewarding Proof of Quality Work.

Examples of Tasks

Design Sportswear Merch
  • 3D Modeling
  • Design
  • Clothes
Get rewarded up to:
  • xp icon 0,00723 BTC
  • xp icon 300 XP
Make a TikTok tutorial about our Platform
  • TikTok
  • Tutorial
Get rewarded up to:
  • xp icon 0,00054 BTC
  • xp icon 25 XP
Write a Post on NOSTR explaining our project
  • Engagement
  • Community
Get rewarded up to:
  • XP icon 0,00018 BTC
  • xp icon 40 XP
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